Got selected as one of the featured photographers in this year’s Photo Annual from the French magazine Escalade. Pretty sweet!

The first image is of Praire Kearney (all around badass, v-impossible boulderer, owner of a rad Westy, and Greenland first ascensionist) on Lightning Bolt Cracks (5.11) on the North Six Shooter in Indian Creek.

The shot to the right is Rannveig Aamodt (the woman of grit and Viking blood) on a 5.13 in Norway called Hull i Himmelen. This was before she took a 50-foot ground fall and broke both ankles and her elbow, pelvis and back. The last page features two photos of her about 8 months after the accident, still sending hard (5.12a on the left;  5.13c on the right). I guess some things never change.

The night shot was pretty fun to create, but a bit of a project. We were up in the jungle sweating in the dark, and friends were down on the beach drinking beers and wondering what all those flashes were up there.

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