2015 Women of Climbing Calendar

The new 2015 Women of Climbing calendar is now shipping, it’s incredible, and it will certainly get you psyched to try super hard. I had two photos published in this year’s calendar, including the cover shot. One photo is of prAna Ambassador Rannveig...

Climbing Magazine | Photo Issue

The latest issue of Climbing Magazine came out today and I have a couple photos in it. I didn’t shoot the cover, but you can see my shot of Tee Kuoch on the bottom left of the first spread struggling through the Binge and Purge offwidth in Indian Creek. Also...

Indian Summer in Indian Creek

The low December sunbeams glance off the earth like a stone skipping across a lake, and the ancient towers cast their shadows across the red land. Yes, Indian Creek — the perfect place to pass the waning days of this unseasonably warm autumn. After six months of...

Women of Climbing 2013

For the third year in a row I have a shot in the Woman of Climbing, Sharp End Publishing’s annual calendar, which is by far the best climbing calendar out there. Buy one and get stoked for 2013. Here is Rannveig absolutely crushing The Acid Test, an awesome V7...

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